In-Store Retail Scenting - Air Aroma

In-Store Retail Scenting

In-Store Retail Scenting

In the highly competitive retail industry, brands are finding it increasingly difficult to distinguish themselves from competition. For years retail brands have been creating store experiences that take into account the visual décor, employee dress codes, and the right ambient music. This month, InstoreMag features Air Aroma and looks at our innovative approach to scenting retail store environments.

Our sense of smell is unique in the way we associate scents with memories and experiences. Initially when shoppers first experience a signature scent they are often unaware that they are experiencing a scented environment, however after only spending a short time in a scented store, shoppers quickly start to connect with the brand in a more emotional and memorable way. This is the power of scent and why retail brands in fashion, jewelry, automotive and more are integrating uniquely crafted store scents as part of their overall brand experience.

You’ve finely tuned your lighting, worked tirelessly with your staff on a subtle but spectacular sales narrative, found the perfect ambient music and your glass gleams from every angle. You’re certain you’ve created the perfect multisensory experience for your customers; but have you considered your store’s scent? (And no, a one-note vanilla candle behind the counter doesn’t count.) Scent marketing has become one of the jewelry industry’s simplest—yet most powerful — strategies for creating an impression.“We already know that our sense of smell is the one most strongly associated with memory,”says Allison Shipp, a fragrance consultant with Air Aroma. “Why not make sure your customers walk away from your store with the best possible memory?” – Heather Donahoe, InstoreMag

Air Aroma have designed scents for brands such as Max Mara, Aston Martin and Dunhill, to learn more about the power of scent and how it can help your company, contact Air Aromahere.