Standard Hotels Signature Scents

The ​​Standard Hotels is known for being anything but standard. With progressive design, taste-making clientele, incredible nightlife and F&B concepts, Standard Hotels has been lauded for its distinct approach to hospitality by defying convention and inspiring guests for more than twenty-five years. As the brand embarks on an invigorated global expansion, Air Aroma is thrilled to provide exclusive Standard Hotels signature scents that add to the mood and ambiance of unique properties around the world.

Three unique scents custom to Standard Hotels were created for the brand, granting flexibility amongst global locations to reflect their locale and character. A sense of freshness was important to highlight throughout all fragrances, keeping with the youthful energy and trendy style of the Standard brand. Unusual and distinctive notes were incorporated, like rhubarb, elderberry leaves, pink pepper, and raw earth accord, which add to the playful sensibility of The Standard. The notes emphasize a curiosity and fascination with Standard Hotels, ensuring impactful memories for guests.

The Standard Bangkok rooftop with signature scent

Air Aroma & Standard Hotels

Award-winning Standard properties in New York, Miami, London, the Maldives, Hua Hin, Ibiza, and Bangkok, with Singapore, Melbourne, Brussels, Lisbon and more to come, employ the Air Aroma Standard signature scents to further enrich and elevate the considered design features. The signature scents will continue to impart unique olfactive logos for Standard properties as they expand across notable cities around the world.

The Standard brand is renowned for creativity and culture, often praised for reinventing entire neighborhoods through their iconic developments.  Handpicking distinct collaborators including interior designers, artists, and chefs is a vital piece in reinforcing the impressionable brand throughout locations. Selecting Air Aroma as the exclusive scent provider was a clear choice, as Standard Hotels utilizes a bespoke approach with a global reach, synonymous with Air Aroma’s methodology. The partnership between the brands launched as a result of Air Aroma’s global prowess and dedication to creating innovative, high quality fragrance products. Book a stay to experience an unforgettable Standard scent.

The Standard brand logo
The Standard London detail scent

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Scent Development

Looking for an exclusive scent? Air Aroma fragrance designers can create signature blends solely for your brand.

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