Wellness Archives - Air Aroma

Posts with tag: “Wellness”
14 results found

Scents for Better Sleep

The Importance of Sleep In recent years, people are sleeping worse than ever before. Although sleep is one of the three pillars of health, along with nutrition and movement, many people are not getting enough for...

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Attracting Workers Back to the Office

For the great return back to the office, firms are strategizing ways to attract employees to return to in office work, investing in renovations and adding amenities to stay competitive, like office scents. The pandemic brought...

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Invigorating Eucalyptus

One of the most commonly used essential oils across topical applications and medicines is Eucalyptus. Known for its potent clearing power, it’s a reliable treatment component to prevent and treat nasal build up, mental fog, apathy,...

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Smell and Its Fundamental Roles

Although humans rely less on smell now for our survival, it has been an integral part of our species’ evolution. Smell Evolution In our earliest years on the earth, smell was vital for both humans and...

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Imagining Places Through Scent

Picture escaping to a place your heart longs for dearly, whether that is a tropical island, a wildflower meadow, or amongst towering trees in the forest. Imagining the sensory delights of this location will likely create...

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New Destination Considerations

As we reimagine a new future, travelers are anticipating industry adaptations that align with a post pandemic world. Business travel will likely continue to wane as more companies embrace a working from home policy, avoiding face-to-face...

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Clearing Out Your Home

Since we are spending more and more time at home, we may have developed a hyper awareness of all the items around us. Maybe it’s easier to notice the little details like color and layers, which...

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Soothe Through Uncertainty

In the midst of a trying time like we are in now, practices that help us feel more grounded and calm to support health are needed more than ever. As the events of this pandemic continue...

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Essential Oils and Wellbeing

Therapeutic properties of essential oils can assist in a range of beneficial effects, like mood elevation and antiseptic action. Many essential oils are antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral, as they are the result of plants producing defense...

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Forest Aromas

John Muir once said “the clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” John Muir was a Scottish-American influential naturalist and conservationist, an early advocate for the preservation of wilderness in the United States. He...

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